About Head Trash | Meet Alexia

Hi, I’m Alexia and I want to solve the world’s mental health crisis.
That might sound a bit lofty or down-right impossible, but I’m giving it shot.
At the very least, I want to help people to get to their happy place. For me that means you exuding calmness and confidence as you sashay through life with a big smile on you face.
I’m the founder of Head Trash and the developer of Head Trash Clearance, a potent clearance tool that is nothing short of magical IMHO.
My obsession with “new and improved” stickers means that I’ve been tinkering, tweaking and adding to it since 2009.
Solving the mental health crisis starts by giving everyone the power to be in control of their mental health. This means that if you want to change or improve it, you can.
You don’t have to see specialist – a therapist or a counsellor – every time you need help. You can do it yourself (if you want!). And that’s where Head Trash Clearance comes in.
I want to make clearing head trash as EASY as possible so that you can take charge of your mental health.
Fears cropping up in life holding you back? Let’s get rid of them so that you can crack on and live the life of your dreams.
Stresses at work? Let’s change how you feel and respond to them. Then you can get back to enjoying your job again.
Feeling anxious all the time? Let’s turn the tide and get you feeling better again.
And that’s for everyone, no matter how mega your head trash is, or how limited your means are.
If you’re here, then I’m guessing that you’re up for clearing some head trash.
The best place for you to start is The Clearance Club. This is my monthly membership where you can get cracking with your head trash clearance.
The Clearance Club is a vault of head trash clearance resources for a whole heap of head trashy topics and themes. from weight loss and parenting, to control issues and worries about change and uncertainty. COVID anxiety is in there as well as medical fears and pregnancy.
You decide how far you want to go. You can go all in and clear like a person obsessed, or you can take your time. Just stay for as long as you have new things you want to clear.
If you’re interested, I’d like to invite you to check it out over here: The Clearance Club.
The REAL reason you’re on this page
Now I know you clicked this About page because there’s a tiny part of you that’s nosey about me. That’s OK. I’m nosey too! 😂
So, here’s a little bit more about me for the nosey person in you.
Award-nominated podcaster – twice!
I’ve reached over 1.5 million listens across my two podcasts, and apparently I have a face for radio. I talk a lot about vaginas, boobs and poo, but that’s usually on my Fear Free Childbirth podcast, I tend to steer clear of those on the Head Trash Show.
Author of two and half books
As well as my own two books (Clear Your Head Trash and Fearless Birthing), I co-authored another 2, hence the half. It’s probably more like 0.374, but who’s counting?
Mama to two fierce and feisty girls
They hate dresses, have super short hair and won’t let me watch Frozen because it’s terrible, apparently. The 6yo is called The Pebble because she has a six pack and flexes her muscles like Dwayne. When she’s not The Pebble, she’s the Flash. The 10yo wants to be 11 from Stranger Things.
Recent Brexit escapee living in the south of France.
Who wouldn’t? There’s no point in having a life dream and not going for it.
Fave past time
Drooling at rows of cyprus trees and figuring what else I can clear in myself. Currently obsessed with hidden traumas.
Half Welsh – half French
Terrible at writing French, but much worse at speaking Welsh. I can speak English pretty well though and with only a faint accent.
- Head trash clearance – goes without saying really. But I do have a talent for spotting it, especially the well-hidden stuff.
- creating delicious dinners when the fridge is empty and “we have nothing to eat!!!”
- coming up with analogies out of thin air
Netflix addictions
Stranger Things, Lucifer, 24 and Suits.
Things I love more than I should
- Alliterations. The ONLY reason that the The Clearance Club is named as it is! I persuaded myself that Club was a decent name because it was better than circle or clique 😂
- the drive to my local supermarket (It’s such a beautiful drive… so many rows of beautiful Cyprus trees!),
- black-ops & spy shit books and movies .So much violence, and yet so gooooood!
- Jigsaws and puzzle games. I ❤️ The Room series on the iPad.
- Cidre rosé with anchovy olives (the olives don’t quite work as well with white wine, but with the cider? Oh yum!)
- Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman – my girl crush. Every time she says “I believe in the power of love”, I get a tear!
Things you will NEVER find me doing
- Watching a Nicolas Cage film or period dramas
- Listening to heavy metal (but I can totally do 70s prog rock)
- Watching tennis or cricket
- Eating shop-bought sliced bread. Much easier now that I’ve moved to France.
- Depriving myself of food or picking the low fat option for the sake of calories. I’m half-French, so there’s that.
- Wondering where Kate Middleton or Holly Willoughby got her dress from.