I bet you have no idea how much you actually self-sabotage.

I’ll tell you how many sabotaging blocks you have in a bit (it’s way more than you think!)

We all self-sabotage, some more than others obvs.

Here are some clues that you’re sabotaging…

Being able to spot the clues can help us to realise that self-sabotage is really a thing for us. Once you realise it’s affecting you, you can do something about it.

1. Your goals elude you

You keep trying – and failing – at reaching them. Money goals? Business goals? Relationship goals? Weight goals?

2. Things feel like a struggle to you

The struggle is the point where you come up against the sabotaging force.

3. Aspects of your life suck

Unless you’re deliberately trying to make your life suck, this is sabotage.

4. You’re anxious or stressed

Probably because there are aspects of your life that suck.

5. You’re always ill with something

… especially when you’re just about to do The Thing that will take you nearer to your goal.
Sometimes your subconscious makes you ill to AVOID doing The Thing.

Self sabotage sucks. Truly.

What makes it truly suck is that most of our self-sabotage is happening sub-consciously.
This means you don’t even realise you’re doing it.

Do you realise by HOW MUCH you self-sabotage?

By that I mean….

Do you know how many different sources of sub-conscious self-sabotage are standing between you and the The Thing you want?

Clue: it’s more than 10.

I do self-sabotage clearance sessions with my clients and during these sessions I clear EVERY SINGLE SOURCE of sub-conscious self-sabotage. Try saying that drunk!

The numbers vary, but in a typical session I clear anything from 15 to 35 DIFFERENT sources of sub-conscious self-sabotage.

Seriously. That’s a lot, right?

No wonder The Thing you want is out of reach.

You’ve got up to 35 walls to smash through to get to the thing you want.

See? It all makes sense now.

One biz owner was able to triple her business revenue in 6-months after her self-sabotage cleared.

She’d been trying to achieve that for YEARS!.

What are you waiting for?

Are you ready to stop self-sabotaging?

If you’re ready to ditch your self-sabotage, I have just the thing right here: Self-Sabotage Clearance.

What’s stopping you? No.. silly question! You have no idea! THIS is why you need this.

Would you like to learn how to carry out self-sabotage clearance with your clients?

If you’re a change-worker or a coach, then you can learn how to use the Self Sabotage Clearance Method as part of our Head Trash Coaching training.

Alexia Leachman
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