Were you often let down or betrayed by those closest to you, including parents, family, friends, or a significant other?
Continuous let-downs are like raindrops batting against a wooden windowsill; they’re going to leave a deep mark over time. This “deep mark” is otherwise known as ‘the trust wound’.
A trust wound will get in the way of you being able to feel vulnerable with someone else. Being unable to trust someone might stem from a lack of attachment during early childhood, or it might just be down to a someone’s psychology and character.
How does the Trust Wound come about?
Trust wounds arise from trauma. Children experiencing life-altering trauma may develop deeper trust wounds than older people experiencing the same trauma. This is because kids have highly impressionable, underdeveloped minds. So, though trauma can affect anyone, it typically cuts deeper in children.
People who have been abused, severely mistreated, or frequently lied to by their loved ones may develop trust wounds. Many people experience hurt or violation at the hands of those they felt were trustworthy. Sadly, once the trust is broken, it becomes extremely difficult to repair without external help.
Common fears associated with the Trust Wound
Children who were often lied to by their parents may grow into adults who struggle to trust others. This is a natural reaction given their primary caretakers – those who a child should be able to blindly trust – failed to display sincerity.
Trust wounds not only make it near impossible to trust others, it also makes victims shy away from showing vulnerability. This stems from the fear that others will take advantage of vulnerability and see it as weakness.
Remember, people with trust wounds were likely let down by those they trusted. So, they don’t place their faith in anyone anymore as a way to protect themselves against hurt.
Unfortunately, shutting everyone out and failing to show any amount of vulnerability makes it difficult for others to connect with trust wound carriers. This can prevent individuals with the trust wound from forging meaningful connections with the few people that may still be worth trusting.
Here are some common fears that arise from the trust wound;
- Fear or being avoidant to commitments (social, personal, academic, occupational)
- Feelings of insecurity, lacking in everyday interactions
- Feelings that friends, family, colleagues or partners will leave you hanging or vulnerable at a crucial moment
- Predisposition or discrimination against people that seem “untrustworthy”
- Fear of exploring new activities, friendships, business opportunities
Telltale signs you have this wound
People with trust wounds typically display the following characteristics:
- Inability to trust people
- You are afraid of any sort, or thought, of commitment
- Always having your guard up
- You feel guilty when a person trusts you and put a lot of effort to not let them down
- Fear of getting hurt by people or circumstances
- You sometimes feel that people are out to get you
- Extreme paranoia and anxiety arising from uncertainty
- Lack of trust in the future
- You are afraid of taking risks, however big or small
- Negative thinking
- Positive feedback is always handled with skepticism
- You do not enjoy leadership roles and do not pursue them
Typical beliefs arising from the Trust Wound
Having a gaping trust wound gash can make it seem as if the whole world is out to hurt you, and that nobody deserves to be trusted.
Unfortunately, trust wounds can also create illusions and misguide the victim. For example, if an individual with a trust wound enters a romantic relationship with a decent person, they may constantly fear their partner will hurt them. This fear stems not from logic, but rather from the trust wound, especially if the victim’s parents or last partner broke their trust.
Untreated wounds may hurt our present-day relationships and destroy your mental wellbeing. So, don’t shy away from getting professional help to overcome your trust wound!
People with the trust wound might find themselves thinking things like;
“they can’t be trusted” (without necessary having any basis for this)
“this is not going to work”
“I can’t see this turning out well”
“they’re going to let me down” (like everyone else has)
“it’s just a matter of time before [it goes wrong]”
How to heal from the trust wound
Start by thinking about where this wound may have come from for you. The root cause might not be obvious, and it might be easier to remember all the times that you experienced this lack of trust in your or others. Either of these will help you to become more aware. It may be that placing your intention on this and meditating by bring answers for you.
This wound is connected to many aspects of your behaviour, so you can also look to weaken this wound by loosening its connection and impact to other aspects of your life, or patterns of behaviour. The recommended list of clearances shown below can help you with this.
Recommended Clearances
If you would like to start healing the loss wound, then here are come clearances you do using Head Trash Clearance;
- being trustworthy
- trusting self / others
- being let down
- being disappointed
- being worthy
- feeling enough
- insecurity
- taking risks
Would you like to heal this wound?
I’ve created a Wound Healing Activation for the Trust wound. These Wound Healing Activations have been created so that you can start healing your emotional wounds yourself.
My Wound Healing Activations include;
Wound Healing Journal
My Wound Healing Journal includes lots of prompts to help you explore this wound in yourself. The questions help you to explore the various facets of our emotional wounds so that you can better understand where the wound may have come from, who’s connected to it for you, and how it shows up for you.
My Wound Healing Journal also helps you to track your healing as you work through healing the wound.
Mini-masterclass on the Wound
I’ve created a video on this wound to help you think through how the Neglect wound might be showing up for you. Watch this with the Wound Healing Journal to hand so that you can make notes and identify the various aspects of this wound you need to heal.
Healing Activation Session Audio MP3
This is a Wound Healing Activation audio that will explore the various aspects of this wound. This is deep working audio healing activation that will activate the healing within you by releasing a lot of the deeply buried memories and conflicts. This audio is equivalent to a session with me.
Head over to here check out my Wound Healing Activations
Explore other universal wounds
The Trust Wound is one of many universal wounds that we all suffer from. Find out more about these in these related blog posts
- The Injustice Wound
- The Humiliation Wound
- The Scarcity Wound
- The Betrayal Wound
- The Loss Wound
- The Neglect Wound
- The Guilt Wound
- The Abandonment Wound
- The Rejection Wound
Healing audio tracks for all of these wounds can be found in The Clearance Club. The Clearance Club is a vault of head trash clearance resources to help you free your mind of stresses and anxieties, and let go of those things that getting in the way of your happiness.
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