Navigating the Sickening Vomit-fest of Emetophobia aka the Fear of Vomit Hello stomach-sensitive souls! Today, we’re going to dive into a topic that might leave some of you feeling a little queasy – emetophobia, a.k.a. the fear of vomit or the fear of being...
Do you have the judgement wound? You feel eyes on you, even when there’s no one in the room. You don’t need other people to judge you, because you do it yourself just fine. So, you play the judge, victim, and court all by yourself. The voices in your head hold you...
Were you often let down or betrayed by those closest to you, including parents, family, friends, or a significant other? Continuous let-downs are like raindrops batting against a wooden windowsill; they’re going to leave a deep mark over time. This “deep mark” is...
Are you a victim of the scarcity wound? A scarcity wound is almost universally connected to poverty, and especially child poverty. In economic terms, scarcity is where there is a limited supply of something. In the context of psychology and mental health, scarcity can...
Can you relate to this? You decide that you’re going to make some kind of change in your life and then you never quite get started. Or at least, you make all the right noises, and you prepare in ALL THE WAYS, but when it comes to actually starting Doing The...
Do you have the abandonment wound? This wound is considered a universal wound because it affects pretty much most of us to some degree. Once we familiarise ourself with it, it’s easy to see why. It’s also considered to be an inner child wound because its...