What is a BOUNCE POINT reading?

Your BOUNCE POINT reading tells you where you are on the Head Trash Ladder of Healing. The Ladder of Healing The Ladder of Healing is a spectrum that closely aligns with the mental health continuum. It shows various stages of mental and emotional health, mental...

Mental Fitness

Let’s talk about mental fitness. You know, just like physical fitness, mental fitness is all about keeping your mind healthy and strong. And just like working out at the gym, it takes effort and dedication to maintain good mental health. For some reason, people...

The Judgement Wound

Do you have the judgement wound? You feel eyes on you, even when there’s no one in the room. You don’t need other people to judge you, because you do it yourself just fine. So, you play the judge, victim, and court all by yourself. The voices in your head hold you...

How to uncover your hidden wounds

Your hidden wounds are the emotional wounds that are contributing to you experiencing challenges with your mental health and emotional wellbeing. These wounds will most likely be unresolved traumas. You know you have them because you’re suffering from the signs...

How the Ladder of Healing can help you

The Ladder of Healing is something that I’ve come up with that I now use a lot to help me guide my clients’ healing journey. I want to share it with you because I think it can help you too. What is the Head Trash Ladder of Healing? So, what is the Head...

The Ladder of Healing

The Ladder of Healing is my way of talking about the various stages you move through as you clear your head trash and heal your triggers and traumas. I first introduced this concept in my book, Clear Your Head Trash, because I noticed recurring themes and trends with...