Emotional Resilience

Emotional resilience is your ability to bounce back from challenges, and how easily you’re able to handle difficult or stressful situations.

Some people are born more resilient than others, but that doesn’t mean they stay that way. Dramatic or traumatic life situations can mean that you can lose your emotional resilience over time, especially if you haven’t take the time to heal or process what’s happened.

Your emotional resilience is directly tied to your emotional wellbeing, and so if you have lots of fears and anxieties, or unresolved traumas, then your resilience will be low. When we struggle with anxiety, we simply don’t have the strength to deal with things in the way we can when we’re feeling emotionally strong.

When you have high levels of emotional resilience, you’re better able to cope with whatever life throws your way. And, you’re much better able to bounce back when things do get the better of you.

On the other hand, when you have low levels of emotional resilience, life feels harder and things are more likely to get you down (and keep you down).

Here are some questions to get you thinking more about emotional resilience so that you can better understand how resilient you are.

How able are you to cope with uncertainty and challenges?
Does uncertainty trigger stress and anxiety for you?
Or, do you roll with the punches and look challenges in the eye?

How easily are you able to handle a new situation?
Do you take it in your stride?
Or do you get flustered and struggle to think straight?

How do you handle a difficult situation?
Do you dig deep and crack on?
Perhaps you avoid difficult or uncomfortable situations because you hate them so much.

How do challenges in life affect you?
Do you bounce back even stronger?
Or, do you get knocked down and struggle to get up?

Are you frequently affected by negative emotions?
Do you feel overwhelmed with negative emotions like stress, anxiety, fear or guilt?
Perhaps fear infiltrates all your attempts to live your life, resulting in you not doing the things you want.
Or maybe you find everything stressful and overwhelming.
Or are these emotions reserved for times when they are appropriate?

How well can you calm your mind when you need to?
You might be facing a stressful situation but can you remain calm enough to handle it?
Or does this feel like the impossible for you?

Emotional resilience is closely tied to your mental fitness. You may decide that you want to improve your emotional resilience and wellbeing, but if you can’t stick to a plan because you keep getting distracted then this will be harder for you.

When I tackled my severe birth phobia (tokophobia) this led to a massive improvement of my emotional resilience as I now felt like I could handle anything the birth could throw at me. Before I simply wanted to avoid it.

Once my emotional resilience improved, I experienced huge jumps in my mental fitness and was able to be far more productive in my work than before. I was able to focus much more easily, and for longer periods of time. Emotional resilience and mental fitness are very closely linked, and working on one will help improve the other.

Improving your emotional resilience does not need to be complicated. It simply requires you to decide to improve it.

Using Head Trash Clearance can enable you to see results very quickly in your level of emotional resilience. When I say quickly, I mean in a matter of weeks or months. One lady in my membership, The Clearance Club, was able to eliminate her depression and severe phobia around pregnancy and birth in the space of two months. This took consistent action, but she did it all on her own. This completely transformed her life.

To read more about emotional resilience, and how you can go about improving it, here are some blogs posts you might find worth reading.

Explore Emotional Resilience …

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What is a BOUNCE POINT reading?

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