Heal your Humiliation Wound
I’d like to invite you to join me in healing your Humiliation Wound.
This is one of the core childhood wounds that we all suffer from. I’m sure you can remember times in your life when you were embarrassed or humiliated. When people laughed at you or made you feel ashamed for whatever reason.
There might not be one event that sticks out for you, but there will be many of them that have happened during your that you’ve simply forgotten. These moments build up over time and eventually a wound develops that can have profound effect on our lives.
If you’d like to better understand this wound and its tell tale signs, then have a read of my blog post The Humiliation Wound.
The Healing Session
The healing part of this session takes around 30 minutes and you will need to be somewhere private where you will not be disturbed. You will also need to be somewhere comfortable. A sofa with lots of cushions or on your bed is ideal. I explain all this in the video.
The video lasts around an hour and it includes an introduction on trauma and wounds, as well as an introduction to the Humiliation Wound. This is an important aspect of the healing as having the various aspects of your wound brought into the conscious mind before diving into the healing helps to make it more potent. So please put aside an hour for this.
Hello, I’m Alexia and I’m the developer of Head Trash Clearance, a potent technique for clearing fears, stresses, anxieties, traumas and sources of self-sabotage. I’m also a therapeutic coach, a mentor and trainer, an author and a podcast host.
Earlier this year I developed a trauma healing process which enabled me to go much much deeper with my own healing journey, and that I’m now sharing with my clients to incredible results.
It was while clearing my own traumas that I was guided to offer free trauma healings online so that those who may need support could access it. Not everyone can afford to work privately with professionals, and I wanted to do something to help.
This is why I decided to offer live healings for the core childhood wounds that we all suffer from. These group healing sessions have been attended from all over the world, including the UK, France, Bali, Canada, New Zealand, Portugal and Japan, and have attracted many regulars who have experienced remarkable shifts.
I’ve decided to offer one of these healing sessions here so that more people can benefit.
If you would like us to work together on healing your hidden wounds, then please get in touch.