To celebrate Fight Procrastination Day (yes really!), I thought one way of fighting procrastination would be to unpick it. So, decided to find a productivity expert to help me out.

Grace Marshall is head coach and chief encourager at and author of the Amazon bestselling 21 Ways to Manage the Stuff That Sucks Up Your Time. She is also a Productivity Ninja with Think Productive a company that runs time management workshops with a difference, and loves helping busy people get more done with less stress and more fun. You can get her free guide to juggling business and family here.

During our chat Grace shares loads of brilliant insights that will definitely get you thinking differently about procrastination including:

  • some tell tale signs to help you figure out whether you are a procrastinator
  • some of the ways that you might be procrastinating
  • techniques for minimising the appearance of procrastination in your life

Here are some of Grace’s blog posts that you might find worth reading, some of which she mentioned during our chat.

Two and half words that will improve your productivity

How to beat writers’ procrastination

The voices in my head

If you’re interested in how I dealt with my terror of my to-do list, you can read my blog post Disorganised & Chaotic to-do list? here