Are you someone who is affected by the stress of Christmas and the festive season?
As we hurtle towards the end of the year, some of us desperately needing a break, the festive season can often add to our stresses despite the celebrations and general jolliness. Now I don’t want to put a downer on things, but instead I’d like to help you to navigate the seasonal stresses so that you can skip through the holiday season with good cheer and a smile on your face!
To help me I invited back Stress and Emotional Resilience expert, Julian Hall. Apparently, Julian’s Anger workshops take a dive in December as people think that they can divert their anger with festive frivolities, but his Stress workshops get fully booked. So who better to help me to help you to avoid the stress of Christmas?
Some of the Christmas stresses we chat about include
- spending time with family, and that might mean people you don’t really like or know that well
- drinking & eating too much and worrying about putting on weight
- remembering those who are no longer with us and how to cope if yours is a “first Christmas without them” or if you have people grieving coming to stay with you
- office parties
Julian offers some great advice too for how to approach the festive season mentally so that you are able to avoid the stress of Christmas and have a wonderful time.
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