Do you recall your last, really bad anxiety attack? That feeling of being swallowed up by a huge wave and trying to gasp for air, but it just wouldn’t come through?

If the answer is yes, then pop the kettle on, get comfy, and join me for the latest episode of Head Trash & Healing Show.

Today my guest is Dr Lauren Cook. You might know her as the author of the seriously helpful book, “Generation Anxiety“. This lady has got it all figured out when it comes to anxiety and shares tons of brilliant tips for dealing with anxiety.

In this episode, we chat about Lauren’s own experience as a new mum who grappled with an unexpected phobia of vomit. We’re really getting into the nitty-gritty here. It’s terrifying, the concept of experiencing a deep-rooted fear whilst pregnant, adding an extra layer of anxiety to the already nerve-wracking stage of life. But Lauren, bless her, she’s frank about it – she’s persistent, she fought her fear, and she’s here to tell us her remarkable coping techniques.

Then we dive into a meaty conversation about the increase in anxiety experienced by millennials and Gen Z, the growing reliance on AI for therapy, and Lauren shares some rather brilliant strategies and solutions.

Loneliness & Disconnection

One source of increased anxiety is loneliness and disconnection. She stresses the importance of face-to-face interactions and advocates exposure and response therapy. We talk about loneliness and the lack of a real, touchy-feely community. Modern social interaction is a far cry from that cosy feeling of being heard, being held and being genuinely acknowledged.

Holistic Healing Strategies

Our chat doesn’t stop at the problems or the causes; we dive into holistic healing strategies such as acupuncture, nutrition, and exercise. We share the sentiment that in order to heal, acknowledgment is as important as intervention. This is not your standard hippie-dippie airy-fairy chat. We draw on the wisdom from real life, from science, from experience.

Our discomfort with discomfort

The climax of it all, for me, was Lauren’s wonderful emphasis on understanding personal values and not shying away from discomfort. Society has built extremely high walls around discomfort, penalising even the thought of it. But we say, bring it on! It’s time to break those walls and really face the discomfort, make friends with it, and see how it can be a launchpad for deeper connections and personal growth.

Phew, just saying it out loud gets me slightly anxious, but that’s exactly why we need to have these chats.

Come join us on this truly heart-opening journey – grab a cuppa and tune in to the episode “Unpacking Gen Z Anxiety with Dr Lauren Cook“.

So, here’s to healing that head trash!

Resources Mentioned During the Episode

Throughout this episode, a variety of resources were referenced by Lauren that can be handy for those looking to manage their anxiety.

Here they are:

1. Exposure and Response Therapy: This therapy technique is useful when trying to combat phobias and anxieties. It encourages patients to confront their fears in a safe and controlled manner, thus gradually reducing their anxiety.

2. Mindfulness Techniques: Practising mindfulness, present moment awareness, can be beneficial in dealing with anxiety. It allows individuals to sit with their discomfort and learn to observe their fears without immediately reacting.

3. Nutrition and Exercise: Adopting a balanced diet and maintaining a regular exercise routine can significantly impact your mental health. Good nutrition helps to keep your body running properly, and regular exercise releases endorphins which are known to reduce symptoms of anxiety.

4. Acupuncture: This ancient Chinese healing technique is a holistic therapy that’s believed to stimulate the body’s healing process. It can be a valuable tool in reducing anxiety and stress.

5. Music Therapy: Discussed in the context of prenatal anxiety, engaging with music can be deeply therapeutic and calming. It’s a non-verbal form of therapy that has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety.

6. Accessible Mental Health Services: Seeking professional help when necessary is vitally important. There are numerous mental health resources available to those who are dealing with anxiety, such as therapists, counsellors, and mental health hotlines.

7. Self-Care Practices: Engaging in self-care can greatly aid in managing mental health. This can take different forms for different individuals but could include things such as taking a warm bath, meditation, or partaking in a hobby.

8. Dr. Lauren Cook’s Book—”Generation Anxiety“: In her book, Dr. Lauren Cook breaks down the ups and downs of anxiety in our modern world, and how the younger generation can cope with it.

9. Head Trash Clearance Club: Members of the club have access to resources and strategies to manage and clear their head trash, including fears, emotional wounds, and triggers.

It’s also important to note that reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption can be a helpful strategy when dealing with anxiety, as it’s a substance that can increase inflammation and disturb sleep patterns.

While all these resources can be beneficial, it’s important to remember that everyone’s experience with anxiety is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Always seek professional advice when dealing with mental health concerns.

About Dr Lauren Cook

Born and bred in the UK, Lauren is an engrossing author and an earnest expectant mother. She has intriguingly chronicled her anxiety and fears about pregnancy alongside writing her compelling book titled “Generation Anxiety“. Lauren’s pregnancy journey, however, was quite peculiar due to her rare phobia known as a metaphobia, a deep-seated fear of vomit. Amidst all her apprehensions,

Lauren managed to have a remarkably healthy pregnancy, even while dealing with the unexpected twist of having a breech baby. Despite the statistics suggesting that only 1% to 3% of babies are breached, Lauren believes otherwise based on her personal trial. Her resolute perseverance and the ability to face adversity head-on are commendable, and she continues to share her anecdotal experiences, observations, and insights through her writings.

Episode Time Stamps

00:00 Guide for millennials and Gen Z in uncertain times.
05:07 Childhood trauma leads to lifelong vomit phobia.
07:29 Anticipatory anxiety often worse than actual reality.
11:31 Anxiety in young people and its impact.
15:37 Positive interactions with strangers benefit brain health.
16:37 Anxiety’s impact on planning a family.
21:34 French films are slower, reflecting cultural approach.
24:08 Encouraging personal responsibility for mental well-being.
29:45 Recognise abnormal worrying, seek help if needed.
32:53 Music is a powerful mood lifter.
34:57 Many new mothers turn to wine for relaxation.
37:38 Enjoyed David Permal’s calming, yoga-friendly mantras.

Alexia Leachman
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