This COVID Anxiety Pack is for you if you feel that living in these COVID times has brought on anxiety for you.
With so much uncertainty around right now, the only certainty seems to be this: COVID anxiety is a thing and it’s becoming more of a problem as time goes by.
COVID anxiety is affecting mental health for a lot of people and that is why I created this COVID Anxiety Pack.
There are various aspects of COVID that are creating additional anxieties in people:
- losing our freedom and not being able to do the things we’re used to
- being isolated from family, friends and colleagues
- the worry of catching COVID
- the wearing or not wearing of masks
- being told what to do
All of these are sources of anxiety for people as we live through these strange times.
This pack is to help you to reduce the emotional intensity of these COVID challenges so that they no longer trigger the same level of anxiety in you.
Anxiety is the result of lots of stressors and by looking at the the individual stressors we can start to reduce the impact they’re all having on your anxiety.
This COVID Anxiety Pack includes Head Trash Clearances for the following stressors;
- Living with COVID the fear of catching it
- The uncertainty of our times and how things are changing so much
- The wearing and not wearing of masks
- Being told what to do and the increased restrictions we’re facing
- Feeling isolated and disconnected from our friends and family
The clearances provides are a combination of Head Trash Clearance audio tracks and Head Trash Clearance Mantras. These are scripts that you can use to carry out the clearance.
The COVID Anxiety pack also includes some videos to help you to get the best results.
It is accessed online and once your purchase has gone through you will receive your login details straightaway.