Learn more about trauma and how you can start to heal from it.
The Betrayal Wound
Are you a victim of the betrayal wound? Were you let down by someone you thought highly of? If so, you may find it challenging to trust people now, and for good reason: once bitten, twice shy! Being betrayed by a loved one is bound to take its toll and leave you...
The Loss Wound
Are you a victim of the loss wound? You’ll often find words like “abandonment,” “betrayal,” and “neglect” populating the mental health space. Despite being prominent wounds, these terms fail to address an important - and often neglected - concept: the loss wound....
The Guilt Wound
Do you have the guilt wound? Are you a highly sensitive person who often experiences feelings of guilt over everyday interactions? It could be something as small as refusing to share stationery with a work colleague, or choosing to set a major healthy boundary for...
The Abandonment Wound
Do you have the abandonment wound? This wound is considered a universal wound because it affects pretty much most of us to some degree. Once we familiarise ourself with it, it's easy to see why. It's also considered to be an inner child wound because its roots are in...
The Rejection Wound
Do you have a rejection wound? Rejection is something we can all relate to. But some of us find it harder than others. I remember being shown this quite clearly when I was at university. I spent a year in France, and the difference in the guys' approach to girls was...
Free Trauma Healing Activation Sessions
You're invited to join me for a series of Free Live Trauma Healing Activation Sessions starting on October 6th 2022. I decided to run this series of Free Live Trauma Healing Activation Sessions because I know that a lot of people are struggling a lot right now. The...
5 emotional wounds we all suffer from
Healing your emotional wounds is essential if you're to reach your happy place, and stay there. Your emotional wounds can often be the source of your day-to-day triggers, so by healing your emotional wounds you're able to reduce the stress and anxiety you experience...
Balancing your inner feminine and masculine, with Zoe-Anna
Your inner masculine and feminine Do you think your inner masculine and feminine energies are in balance? Does this question even make sense to you? I ask that because I've had some conversations with people when they've looked a bit puzzled when asked. They simply...
Are you denying your feminine energy?
I want to talk about our masculine and feminine energy, and whether we are balancing both of these aspects within ourselves. More than likely you are not in balance, and are denying one of these aspects within yourself. Or you're over-compensating one of these aspects...
Healing from trauma, with Brooke Bownes
Healing from Trauma Trauma is something we all have to wrestle with. But not all of us choose to do so. Sometimes we're forced into facing our traumas - as I was recently. This is why I wanted to have a chat with someone who works with trauma, so that they can share...