Have you ever noticed certain patterns in your life that keep repeating, no matter how hard you try to change them? Maybe it’s a fear of rejection that holds you back in relationships or a need for control that leaves you feeling exhausted. These recurring patterns are often tied to deeper themes that shape how we navigate the world.

The first step to breaking free is identifying these core themes. Once you bring them into awareness, you can start the process of healing them—and that’s where the Absolute Healing Process comes in.

What Are Healing Themes?

Themes are the big-picture patterns that influence your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Unlike individual memories or isolated events, themes weave through your life, showing up in different ways over time. Common themes include rejection, abandonment, control, and responsibility, but they can be as unique as the person experiencing them.

How to Identify Your Core Themes

If you’re wondering what your core healing themes might be, here are a few steps to help you uncover them:

Reflect on Repeating Patterns

Think about situations in your life where you’ve felt stuck, frustrated, or hurt. Are there similarities between them? For example, do you often feel like people let you down, or do you find yourself saying yes to everything because you don’t trust others to handle things?

Pay Attention to Emotional Triggers

Your strongest emotional reactions can be a clue to your core themes. Notice when you feel particularly upset, anxious, or defensive. What’s the common thread?

Consider Your Beliefs

Themes are often tied to deeply held beliefs about yourself or the world. Do you believe you’re not good enough, that people can’t be trusted, or that everything depends on you? These beliefs often point to underlying themes.

Look at Your Relationships

Relationships are one of the clearest mirrors for our themes. If you notice similar issues cropping up in your interactions with family, friends, or partners, they could be connected to a core theme.

Ask Yourself, “What Keeps Coming Up?”

Sometimes, identifying your themes is as simple as asking what keeps coming up for you. What’s the recurring challenge or feeling that you can’t seem to escape?

What Happens Once You’ve Identified Your Themes?

Recognising your themes is a powerful first step, but healing them takes deeper work. That’s where the Absolute Healing Process comes in. It goes beyond identifying themes to clearing the emotional and energetic weight tied to them, creating lasting change.

If you’re not sure where to start or want to explore your themes further, the Absolute Healing Process can help you get there.

Curious About Thematic Healing?

If you’d like to dive deeper into why themes matter and how healing them can transform your life, check out this blog: Why Themes Matter in Healing: The Power of Thematic Healing.

And when you’re ready to take the next step, I’m here to guide you through it.

[CTA: Book your Absolute Healing session today and start your transformation.]

Alexia Leachman
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